Sentence For Furtive. (in a furtive sort of way.). (8) the little model gave him a furtive glance.

Definitions, Synonyms & Antonyms of furtive Word of the
Definitions, Synonyms & Antonyms of furtive Word of the from

I hate to tell you this, but your best friend has a dark secret in his past, the kind of shameful history that might just have you looking at him (or her?) a little sheepishly, with a furtive, sidelong glance instead of the former adoring gaze. Presently the boy began to steal furtive glances at the girl. So we eyed them sidelong, with furtive envy.

It Is True That The Whole Area Has A Furtive Feel To It.

First you get the secret hotel meetings, the furtive use of code names, the artful deflection of an outsider's nosy question about the relationship. Slip across the grasslands of mongolia, ruins of. Furtive = cautious or taking pains to avoid being observed

It Moves Forward As Furtively As A Guerilla Able To Walk Jungle Paths Blindfold.

The records showed furtive criminal activity. The secretary looked almost furtive when i walked in. She gave a furtive look at the deserted shops on the opposite side of the road.

He Looked Furtive And Anxious;

She glanced furtively into the little mirror at. The teacher was suspicious of the student’s furtive behaviour during the exam. Sentence example with the word 'furtive' furtive artful, conspiratorial, false, hidden, in the wings, prowling, sharp, sneaking, tricky, underground definition adj.

August 17, 2016 3 Chanakya Planned His Work In A Furtive Manner.

The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: I looked at his furtive eyes and brutal, doltish face, but he kept them blank as a wall.

He Watched Her Furtive Glances, Waiting For The Signal To Approach.

To many, his furtive embrace of rock cliches makes him a clown. She was furtive and vicious by temperament. It is another story of furtive and forbidden love.

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