Define Sententious. But wherever in his gospel s. Sententiously definition, in the manner of a pithy saying or aphorism:“a camel is the only wealth that carries itself,” observed digby sententiously.

Trying to appear wise, intelligent, and important, in a way that is annoying: Bobby can fe0gqually sententious when it comes to developments in his own life. From latin sententiosus, from sententia ‘opinion’ (see sentence).
Roberts Can Be With The Right Material.
The most voted sentence example for sententious is an increase of sententious imp. Trying to appear wise intelligent and important in a way that is annoying. Trying to appear wise, intelligent, and important, in a way that is annoying:
“He May Delay His Defense If He.
A pithy utterance gives the gist of a matter effectively, whether in rude or elegant style. From latin sententiosus, from sententia ‘opinion’ (see sentence). Examples of sententious in a sentence.
But Wherever In His Gospel S.
Define sententious by websters dictionary wordnet lexical database dictionary of computing legal dictionary medical dictionary dream dictionary. See definitive translations of sententious in english with videos, example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. He tried to encourage his men with sententious rhetoric synonyms:
He Tried To Encourage His Men With Sententious Rhetoric Word Origin Late Middle English:
Sententious adjective save word synonyms & antonyms of sententious 1 marked by or given to preaching moral values a sententious crank who has written countless letters to the editor about the decline in family values synonyms for sententious didactic, homiletic (or homiletical), moralistic, moralizing, preachy, sermonic How to use sententious in a sentence. Bobby can fe0gqually sententious when it comes to developments in his own life.
And, Lateish, Craik, Who Improves In Sententiousness And That Universal Forgiveness Which Springs From Universal Understanding.
Sententious synonyms, sententious pronunciation, sententious translation, english dictionary definition of sententious. If you speak in sententious phrases, your listeners are probably falling asleep, as your speech is pompous and pretentious, and full of moralistic babble. Characterized by or full of aphorisms , terse pithy sayings , or axioms | meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
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