Synonym Of Admitted. Antonym of admitted as true. Acknowledged, agreed, allowed, conceded, confessed, fessed (up), granted, owned (up to);

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Confess, own up, confide, profess, come clean, avow, come out of the closet, sing, cough, spill your guts, 'fess up, allow, agree, accept. Synonyms for admitted accept accord acquiesce adopt affirm agree allow approve avow bare be big on bless bring to light buy communicate concede concur confide confirm consent cop a plea credit declare disclose divulge enter entertain enumerate expose give access give the nod give thumbs up go into details grant harbor house indicate initiate Some common synonyms of admit are acknowledge, avow, confess, and own.

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Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define admitted meaning and usage. Acknowledged, agreed, allowed, conceded, confessed, fessed (up), granted, owned (up to); This page shows answers to the clue admitted.

Thesaurus / Admitted Feedback Admitted See Definition Of Admitted On As In Avowed As In Included As In Initiated As In Initiated As In Known As In Orthodox As In Received As In Recognized As In Undisputed As In Undisputed/Undisputable As In Granted Synonyms For Admitted Compare Synonyms Professed Accepted Acknowledged Affirmed

Use our synonym finder nearby words admitted to hospital admitted to office admitted you were wrong admit that one is wrong admit the validity of admitting admitted the validity of admitted that one is wrong admitted oneself into admitted of comparison with admitted of comparison admitted of Synonyms for admitted in free thesaurus. Admitted defeat admitted guilt admitted in hospital admittedly admitted of comparison with admitted to admitted admittances admittance admittal admittable admits you were wrong.

To Have Confidence In The Truth, The Existence, Or The Reliability Of Something, Although Without Absolute Proof That One Is Right In Doing So:

Acknowledged, agreed, allowed, conceded, confessed, fessed (up), granted, owned (up to); Find admitted synonyms list of more than 27 words on pasttenses thesaurus. Find more similar words at!

Admitted May Be Defined As “ Received As True Or Valid ”.

Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully. What is another word for admit to? Acknowledge, agree, allow, concede, confess, fess (up), grant, own (up to) antonyms:

Is Believe A Noun Or Verb?

Admits meet grammar coach improve your writing antonyms for admit Visit the thesaurus for more Allowed (of), permitted (of) to make possible especially to the exclusion of other possibilities your question does not admit of a simple yes or no answer

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